Industrial Precious Metal Recycling

Get a Quote to Recycle Parts

DPF & Catalyst Recycling That's Just Plain Easy

We’ll Buy Your DPFs & Catalysts

Red Fox Resources buys failed DPFs, DOCs and TWCs solely for the purposes of recycling and not for resale. Red Fox only recycles parts for businesses and does not purchase parts from individuals.

If you have a list of part numbers for failed DPFs or failed catalysts that are in need of recycling let us know. We can typically give you a purchase price based on the part numbers provided.

Submit the form on this page and we’ll be able to get you a purchase price typically within 24 hours.

Prices are based on indexing the part number to the current price of platinum group metals (PGM) so we do not publish a price list, but for a quote call our toll free number at 1-844-REDFOX-5 (1-844-733-3695).

As a general guideline, spent DPFs, DOCs, and natural gas catalysts can be worth anywhere from $0 to $900 each based on a number of variables.

DPF/DOC Recycling – Frequently Asked Questions

Please Note: We only work with businesses, we do not pay cash and we require a minimum quantity to qualify for free shipping. If you are an individual looking to recycle or sell a single DPF or DOC, please see this article on DPF Recycling for Pickup Truck Owners.

Note on “DPF Delete” Kits: DPF delete kits are illegal and a violation of the Clean Air Act anti-tampering policy. Red Fox does not buy back parts that were removed as part of a DPF Delete kit.

Quote Request Form

Request a Quote Form

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Upload a list of your parts (.xlsx, .xls, .csv, .doc, .pdf)
Accepted file types: xls, xlsx, csv, doc, pdf, docx, Max. file size: 1 MB.